One of the key elements to a Permaculture garden is that it can actually save lots of time. That I've had no time at all to write about the progress of the HastyTastyGarden is evidence enough that this was a much needed strategy. I have managed to take some shots of the garden as it progressed so rather than bore you with long descriptions of the odd half-hours I've managed to grab during the last six months, I've posted them below with some captions.
Beans surrounded by calendula and nasturtiums were late to 'run' this year!
Carrots were sown insitu and to be honest didn't take as well as I'd like.
What I did get have been big, fat and sweet.
Only planted half doz cabbages. Snails a terrible problem
here but as you'll see later they developed well. More
brassicas next year. We love brussels sprouts. |
Disappointed with the resolution of this picture as it doesn't show the
it off to the best effect. Love the way nasturtiums leave room for growing veg
but then take over at the end of the season so garden still looks OK. Hardly any
weeds, by the way, despite the terrible summer weather. This is
because of the newspaper mulching. Perennials had no chance. |
A view of the front garden. No veg but plenty for the birds and bees
to get stuck into. |
...and even my little cactus, alone on the toilet window shelf found something in the
summer to celebrate! |
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